• By: Simon Columbus
    Date: 07 Jun 2011
    After the Facebook account of a regime critic was deleted following a series of threats over a controversial video, the Ukrainian government has been accused of censorship. A local Facebook representative has respondent, claiming that the take-down was due to copyright violations.
  • By: Simon Columbus
    Date: 07 Jun 2011
    The French TV regulatory agency Conseil Supérieur de l’Audiovisuel insists on upholding a ban against promoting commercial enterprises in news programs on radio and television. As a consequence, naming online platforms such as Facebook or Twitter during news broadcasts would be illegal.
  • By: Simon Columbus
    Date: 06 Jun 2011
    A report on Internet policy by the UN Special Rapporteur on the protection of freedom of opinion and expression heavily criticizes recent legislation by several EU countries, including France's Hadopi, the UK's Digital Economy Act, and the multi-lateral ACTA agreement.
  • By: Simon Columbus
    Date: 06 Jun 2011
    On Saturday, Syria's Internet shutdown ended after about a day. Despite the disruption, videos from the day's protests soon emerged online.
  • By: Simon Columbus
    Date: 06 Jun 2011
    A Chinese newspaper warns Google that it might face consequences over allegations in a recent hacking scheme. The tech company had claimed last week that a massive attempt to steal passwords for its email service Gmail had originated in China.
  • By: Rebekah Heacock
    Date: 03 Jun 2011
    All internet service in Syria has been cut as roughly 50,000 protesters filled the streets in a call for “Children’s Friday” to remember the dozens of children killed in the protests, and to demand the “immediate resignation” of President Bashar al-Assad.
  • By: Rebekah Heacock
    Date: 03 Jun 2011
    Starting at 3:35 UTC today (6:35am local time), approximately two-thirds of all Syrian networks became unreachable from the global Internet. Over the course of roughly half an hour, the routes to 40 of 59 networks were withdrawn from the global routing table.
  • By: Rebekah Heacock
    Date: 02 Jun 2011
    North Korea is trying to boost its cyberwar capability by its best sending programmers abroad for training in the latest hacking techniques, a defector from the country has told a security conference in Seoul. According to Kim Heung-kwang, who left the bizarre and secretive Communist state in 2003, North Korea's Reconnaissance General Bureau cyberwarfare unit has increased in size for 500 personnel to as many as 3,000, Reuters has reported him as saying.
  • By: Rebekah Heacock
    Date: 02 Jun 2011
    The Open Rights Group reports that tomorrow, the United Nations Human Rights Commission will issue a report condemning the UK Digital Economy Act as a human rights violation. It 'names the UK as violating Article 19 by allowing disconnection of Internet users in the Digital Economy Act.
  • By: Rebekah Heacock
    Date: 02 Jun 2011
    Google said Wednesday that hundreds of users of Gmail, its e-mail service, had been the targets of clandestine attacks apparently originating in China that were aimed at stealing their passwords and monitoring their e-mail.
