• By: Kendra Albert
    Date: 07 Jul 2011
    A memo from the AP warns staff to self-censor and refrain from posting their personal views on contentious public issues on social networks.
  • By: Kendra Albert
    Date: 07 Jul 2011
    In January, the 33-year-old online activist and software developer was jailed after the government accused him, among other things, of attacking President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali's website. Mr. Ben Ali soon fell from power. Mr. Amamou was swept into the interim government, embodying how the youth who had run a revolution from the Internet had now gained a toehold in power.
  • By: Kendra Albert
    Date: 07 Jul 2011
    Even for China's rigorous internet censors, it has proved an unusually busy day. References to rivers and laundry are among the apparently innocuous items vanishing from postings and search results amid rumours that Jiang Zemin, who led the country before president Hu Jintao took over in 2002, is dead or seriously ill.
  • By: Kendra Albert
    Date: 06 Jul 2011
    The National Broadband Network Company late yesterday confirmed it wouldn’t be implementing the limited filtering scheme being implemented by other Australian telcos, noting that the national network it was constructing was incompatible with the type of technology being used in the filter.
  • By: Kendra Albert
    Date: 06 Jul 2011
    But as the Arab Spring continues to roar just a stone's throw North, tremors have rippled well into the heart of the continent. In response, many African governments have begun taking strong stances on Internet freedoms, even before most of their populations have had the chance to experience the free and open Internet as it was originally formulated.
  • By: Kendra Albert
    Date: 06 Jul 2011
    Outside her homeland, though, Ms. Sánchez’s writing is free of such censorship, and she has emerged as an important new voice, both literary and political. Published in the United States in May under the title “Havana Real” (Melville House), her book draws on the same collection of sketches of daily life in Cuba — a dreary, enervating routine of food shortages, transportation troubles and narrowed opportunity — that she has been posting on her Web site, Generation Y (desdecuba.com/generationy), since 2007.
  • By: Kendra Albert
    Date: 05 Jul 2011
    Microsoft's upcoming deal with Chinese search firm Baidu to have Bing power English-powered search in China may add some revenue to Microsoft's bottom line --- but it makes Microsoft a willing partner in abetting China's strict Internet censorship. The deal is wrong and Microsoft should abandon it.
  • By: Kendra Albert
    Date: 05 Jul 2011
    After huge protests, a backdown from the government and shedloads of wasted cash, Australia's voluntary "rabbit proof fence" of censorship protection was rolled out today. In a move claimed to "protect children" the Australian government initially wanted a filter which would sit on every ISP's computer. It would filter out access to every website that the Australian government felt that people should not see.
  • By: Kendra Albert
    Date: 05 Jul 2011
    More people have now been arrested for supporting the Bersih 2.0 rally that is planned for the 9 July, 2011. An East Malaysian opposition leader, Christina Liew, posted on her blog that seven people were arrested for wearing Bersih yellow T-shirts and even normal clothing.
  • By: Jane Abell
    Date: 01 Jul 2011
    A federal judge has added Alaska to the steadily growing list of states who have been smacked down for trying to censor the Internet. Legislation signed by Alaska Governor Sean Parnell last year would have held adults criminally liable for distributing sexually explicit material to minors over the 'Net.
